Spay and neuter your pets.
An unspayed female dog, her mate and all of their puppies, if none are ever neutered or spayed, add up to:
1 year: 16
2 years: 128
3 years: 512
4 years: 2,048
5 years: 12,288
6 years: 67,000 dogs!!!
There aren't enough good homes for all of these dogs.
Make a donation.
Thousands of dogs are euthanized each year because of lack of funds to support them. These dogs deserve to live out their natural lives. A small contribution can make a BIG difference.
Take action.
If you have ever heard an accurate description of what happens to an animal when it is gassed to death or killed by heart prick, you know just how inhumane this practice is. Help us to outlaw these methods of killing dogs by contacting your state's legislature.
Educate others.
Tell your friends and family that you support Dogs on Death Row and tell them why it's important to get involved.

I'm Benji, the Dogs on Death Row Spokesdog, here to tell you my story. I don't know why I ended up in jail, on a cold cement block, shaking and scared.
"About to be gassed," they said. But, just in time, caring humans arranged a stay of execution and even found me a forever home.
In addition to taking care of my human (yes, I learned to be her service dog) I also posed for publicity photos and attended events to support the organization that came to my rescue.
It's the least I could do.

Driven by a deep passion for animals, Jodie Richers founded Dogs on Death Row in 2007. Having worked in the nonprofit arena for many years as the director for One Child At A Time (an international aid and adoption organization), and also as a board member for Children's Charities of America, Jodie possesses a skill set ideal for leveraging dollars into the most efficient action possible to save the greatest number of dogs.
Jodie is tireless in her efforts to rescue, rehabilitate, and find homes for unwanted dogs everywhere. She is also committed to educating the public about the inhumane nature of gassing and heart prick as a means of killing animals.
Although Jodie is the heart of DODR, many people contribute their time, talent, and treasure to keep us going. We hope that you, too, will become a valued DODR supporter and friend.
We pride ourselves on our fiscal responsibility. Our overhead is less than 7.5%.