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Benji is our hard working

Editor in Chief

He's been busy sniffing out stories and keeping our donors and fans up to date on how their contributions are helping Dogs on Death Row.

The stories below of five bait dogs who were rescued from Georgia will break your heart. Thanks to the work of Dogs on Death Row and Smiling Dogs Farm, they are now receiving the care, love, and attention they need and deserve. Their rehabilitation is expensive. But, with your help, we can save them, and find safe, loving homes for all of them.


BRAD:   Brad is surprisingly friendly with people, but he is not a fan of other can see some of the scars he carries on his front leg...unfortunately, he would not hold still for the camera, so you cannot see the other scars on his back and neck... 

BRAD:   Brad is surprisingly friendly with people, but he is not a fan of other can see some of the scars he carries on his front leg...unfortunately, he would not hold still for the camera, so you cannot see the other scars on his back and neck... 


CHLOE:  Chloe is such a sweet, appreciative girl... she is happy with anything you give her, grateful for any attention you pay to her... although she was not billed officially as a bait dog like Brad and Angelina, if you look at her mouth closely, you can see an extra lump there -- 

 a growth the size of an acorn that looks like a serious injury that went unattended and healed over, leaving her with a large extra growth on her lips... you can see such sadness in her little eyes... it is as if the light has gone out inside... this baby deserves to feel special and know that she is loved and valued... 


SALLY:  On the way home from Houston when I picked them up last week, Sally sat on the seat beside me and slowly edged closer and closer to me, until she finally had her head on my lap... after all she has been through, she still wants to 

trust humans and wants to be loved... she is completely missing her left ear... it is just gone... it is hard to imagine what horror she went through, losing a complete ear... you can see the same wistful look of sadness in her eyes, as Chloe...she is such a special little girl, deserving of so much more than life has given her up until now...


ANGELINA:  Angelina's scars all over her head and face are obvious in this photo... her nose and all around her eyes and the top of her head and all along her back show scarring, evidence of the unspeakable things that were done to her... she is the smallest of the five babies, and probably the youngest, as well... in spite of her past, she is friendly and affectionate with us -- why or how she can be so loving is amazing to me, based on what obviously was done to this precious baby... she is the most aggressive dog of the five... 


JACK:  As if life had not thrown enough pain and sorrow his way, poor Jack was sick when he got here... he had green goop coming out of his nose, and we feared it could be distemper...he had little appetite and he was wasted away to skin and 

bone...he has been on antibiotics and Petinic (liquid vitamins) and Panacure for whip worms which sometimes keep a dog skinny, even if he is eating well...the good news is that his appetite has returned and the green goop is about cleared up... it was most likely an upper respiratory infection that the antibiotics are killing off... his appetite has returned and he is playful and animated in the yard... because he was sick, he has been isolated from all the other dogs so that he would not spread whatever he had... he is wonderfully affectionate and he may be able to have a dog friend, although his lack of aggression may be related more to his illness... we will have to see what he is like when he is well...Jack deserves so much more than what life has given him so far...

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